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Top 10 Exercises for Weight Loss That Work Wonders

weight loss

Do you desperately want to fit into that beautiful dress hanging in your closet or want to pull off a swimsuit this summer? The answer to all your prayers is what you already know – ‘Exercise’. Yeah! Exercise is important for your overall health but becomes significantly essential when you’re trying to lose weight.

loss, but here are the 10 most effective exercises that not only guarantee weight loss but also make you stronger and fitter.

1. Walking:

Walking - swagmyway.com

Walking is one of the best exercises for weight loss, for all good reasons – as it doesn’t require any equipment, can be done anywhere, and puts minimal stress on your joints. Did you know by just including 30 minutes of brisk walking into your daily routine, you could burn 150 calories a day?

How To-

  1. If you’re a beginner, start by walking for 30 minutes 3–4 times a week.
  2. You can gradually increase the frequency and duration of your walks as you more become fit. 
  3. Now put on your walking shoes, turn on your favourite music, and walk off your weight.

2. Rope Jumping/Skipping:


Jumping rope or skipping is a full-body workout. It’s economical and portable – and can burn more calories than you think. Skipping can burn around 300-400 calories in 45 minutes, depending on your weight.

How To – 

1. Stand with your back erect, your abs tight, and keep your feet together. 

2. Hold the jump rope ends in your hand and jump off the ground a few inches, letting the rope pass under your feet and bring it back up.

 3. Don’t jump in between, just jump with each swing of the rope.

3. Swimming

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Swimming is a great low-impact exercise that combines cardio with strength training. It can burn up to 500-700 calories in an hour, whether you do freestyle or breaststroke. It’s a highly effective form of exercise for weight loss and toning as it uses water as natural resistance, thereby helping in burning calories.

So go ahead, make a splash, lose weight, and have a fun workout. 

4. Squats:


Want to get rid of that extra fat around your thighs and butt? Fret not. Squats are one of the most effective exercises for weight loss and for building overall strength. When done correctly, you engage your core and entire lower body.

How To- 

1. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and arms clasped in front of your chest.

2. Sit hips back and bend knees to lower into a squat until thighs are parallel to the floor and jump up and then squat again as you reach the ground.

3. Always keep knees in line with the toes. 

4. Do at least 3 sets of 15 reps.

5. Running:


Running is one of the best exercises that can help you lose weight in a short period and can be done anywhere and is easy to incorporate into your daily routine. It not only burns calories but also strengthens the legs and is effective for belly fat. Now, just lace up your running shoes and hit the road for a 20-minute run.

6. Push-ups:


A push-up is an upper-body exercise that engages your arms, chest, shoulders, and core.

How To- 

1. Bring yourself into a high plank position.

2. Blend your elbows as you lower yourself toward the floor.

3. Push back as you return to the initial position.

4. Don’t let your elbows flare out, nor keep them too narrow, either. 

7. Roll up Pilates:

Roll Up Pilates - swagmyway.com
Roll Up Pilates

Roll up Pilates is a classic beginner-friendly exercise for weight loss. Other than weight loss, Pilates can help to reduce lower back pain and improve your strength, stamina, flexibility, balance, and overall fitness levels.

How To-

1. Get down on your back.

2. Raise your leg and head above the ground at 45 degrees and keep your lower back firmly on the ground.

3. Extend your arms in the direction of your legs and point out your feet.

4. Exhale and when you inhale, raise your arms so that your fingers are pointing to the ceiling, and at the same time, contract your abdominal muscles and start to curl your spine off the mat.

5. Move your body up and put your feet down, to come to a sitting position.

6. Touch your toes with your hands. Inhale and slowly go back to the position from where you started. 

7. Do 3 sets of 5 reps.

8. Cycling:


Cycling is an effective cardio exercise, which burns belly fat and strengthens leg muscles. It can be done outdoors on a bicycle or indoors on a stationary bike and has been linked to numerous health benefits like increased insulin sensitivity and a reduced risk of chronic diseases. You can just begin by replacing your other vehicles with a bicycle for short distances. It’s a fun and low-impact exercise and doesn’t put much stress on your joints.

9. Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations):

Surya Namaskar -swagmyway.com
Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar, is one of the most widely practiced basic yoga asanas, for weight loss. It comprises a series of 12 different poses. It helps to strengthen your ligaments and skeletal system. Being a fun way to keep the body active, it also helps in reducing stress and anxiety.

10. Zumba:

Zumba - swagmyway.com

If the gym isn’t your thing, then just go to Zumba! Zumba is a feel-good way to improve fitness and incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Zumba is all about dancing and burning calories. It involves high-intensity movements and vigourous exercises which help in losing weight.

So, now with all these choices, choose an exercise that you enjoy doing so that you stick to it for the long term and see results.

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